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Thursday, June 18, 2015

TPT Seller Challenge Week 1: Makeover Madness

I have been on the TPT journey 1 year this summer. I was so anxious to get products created for my new classroom and truly learning the ropes of this business. Several of the first products I created were mainly for the new Personal Financial Literacy TEKS. Over the year, most of my oldest products have gotten a makeover except for one. I took my Income Sort product and revamped it! 

Here is the BEFORE:

Voila! After:

You can find the updated version of this product HERE for 50% off.

As one of my first products, I look back and can't believe it actually sold, but I think the new version is much better. I'd love to hear what you think! 



  1. Hi Stephanie,
    LOVE THIS!!! As a Texas teacher, I'm always on the look-out for personal financial literacy resources.
    :) Colleen
    Totally Terrific in Texas

  2. Stephanie, your updated product is so cute! I just love the Melonheadz graphics! The nerdlettes are SOOOO cute!

    Theresa @ True Life I’m a Teacher

  3. Looks great! It's amazing how fonts and graphics really make the product!

    Literacy Spark
